What is SpatialReference.org?

SpatialReference.org is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing detailed information and reference materials on spatial coordinate reference systems.
This website is essential for geospatial professionals, GIS developers, and cartographers, providing an extensive database of spatial reference systems used globally.
The website allows users to search, access, and implement various spatial references easily, offering standardized formats like Well-Known Text (WKT) or PROJJSON. A wide array of coordinate reference systems, such as WGS 84 or NAD83(2011) geographic systems, thousands of projected systems (like UTM zones), as well as vertical systems like NAVD88 are supported.
One of the key features of SpatialReference.org is its support for EPSG codes. EPSG, which stands for European Petroleum Survey Group, is a widely recognized standard for defining coordinate reference systems. These codes simplify the identification and use of spatial reference systems in various geospatial applications.

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This page shows a list of the Coordinate Reference Systems included in PROJ.

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Last revised in 2024