This site is generated with PROJ 9.5.1 and pyproj. These are the versions of the libraries used in the process, and the versions of the Databases involved, like EPSG, ESRI or IGNF.
pyproj info: pyproj: 3.7.0 PROJ (runtime): 9.5.1 PROJ (compiled): 9.5.1 data dir: /usr/share/proj/ user_data_dir: /tmp/proj PROJ DATA (recommended version): 1.20 PROJ Database: 1.4 EPSG Database: v11.022 [2024-11-05] ESRI Database: ArcGIS Pro 3.4 [2024-11-04] IGNF Database: 3.1.0 [2019-05-24] System: python: 3.10.12 (main, Nov 6 2024, 20:22:13) [GCC 11.4.0] executable: /home/venv/bin/python3 machine: Linux-6.5.0-1025-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 Python deps: certifi: 2024.8.30 Cython: None setuptools: 59.6.0 pip: 24.3.1