NAD83(HARN) / Washington North
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- WGS84 Bounds: -124.79, 47.08, -117.02, 49.05
- Scope: Engineering survey, topographic mapping.
- Area: United States (USA) - Washington - counties of Chelan; Clallam; Douglas; Ferry; Grant north of approximately 47°30'N; Island; Jefferson; King; Kitsap; Lincoln; Okanogan; Pend Oreille; San Juan; Skagit; Snohomish; Spokane; Stevens; Whatcom.
- Projection method name: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
- Axes: Easting, Northing (X,Y). Directions: east, north. UoM: metre.
- Base CRS: EPSG:4152