NAD83 / BLM 15N (ftUS)
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- WGS84 Bounds: -96.01, 25.61, -89.86, 49.38
- Scope: No official usage.
- Area: United States (USA) - between 96°W and 90°W - Arkansas; Illinois; Iowa; Kansas; Louisiana; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Nebraska; Oklahoma; Tennessee; Texas; Wisconsin; Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf (GoM OCS) between approximately 96°W and 90°W - protraction areas East Breaks; Alaminos Canyon; Garden Banks; Keathley Canyon; Sigsbee Escarpment; Ewing Bank; Green Canyon; Walker Ridge; Amery Terrace.
- Projection method name: Transverse Mercator
- Axes: Easting, Northing (X,Y). Directions: east, north. UoM: US survey foot.
- Base CRS: EPSG:4269