WGS 84 / UTM zone 19N
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- WGS84 Bounds: -72.0, 0.0, -66.0, 84.0
- Scope: Navigation and medium accuracy spatial referencing.
- Area: Between 72°W and 66°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Aruba. Bahamas. Brazil. Canada - New Brunswick (NB); Labrador; Nunavut; Nova Scotia (NS); Quebec. Colombia. Dominican Republic. Greenland. Netherlands Antilles. Puerto Rico. Turks and Caicos Islands. United States. Venezuela.
- Projection method name: Transverse Mercator
- Axes: Easting, Northing (E,N). Directions: east, north. UoM: metre.
- Base CRS: EPSG:4326