CGVD28 height
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- WGS84 Bounds: -141.01, 41.67, -52.54, 69.81
- Scope: Geodesy, engineering survey.
- Area: Canada - onshore - Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba south of 59°N; New Brunswick; Newfoundland, Labrador between 52°50’N and 54°30’N; Northwest Territories south west of a line between 60°40’N, 110°W and the coast at 132°W; Nova Scotia; Ontario south of 52°20'N; Prince Edward Island; Quebec - mainland south of 55°N and west of 64°W, north of 55°N between 70°W and 66°W, coastal area between 66°W and 64°W, and Anticosta island; Saskatchewan south of 58°30’N; Yukon.
- Axes: Gravity-related height (H). Directions: up. UoM: metre.